It All Starts With Consistency And Willingness
Exercising in a consistent pattern is habit forming. Your body likes to be in a pattern so if you regularly work out 4-6 times per week for a few months it will become the ‘new normal’ for you.
Workout Buddy
Having a workout buddy doesn’t necessarily mean you work out together. It could be a friend or co-worker at your office that you walk to the gym with and go your separate ways during your workout. This way someone is holding you accountable. On the days when you feel like skipping the workout, your workout buddy can help motivate you and vice versa when they are feeling low on energy.
Don’t fall into the ‘fat-burning trap’ and think that the only way to lose fat is by doing cardio. A combination of resistance exercises (weights) AND cardio is the ticket to a smaller waistline! Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does and therefore your metabolism will be increased.
Decrease Alcohol
Alcohol consumption is an often overlooked factor in those looking to lose weight and shave off fat. A big night of drinking can provide the equivalent of an entire daily caloric intake! Some of these extra calories can be stored as fat.
Those that skip breakfast are more likely to overeat later in the day. Look at your body like a furnace. It needs fuel to fire. Smaller more frequent meals are preferred over a massive dinner serving. While we are on the subject of food, increase your vegetable, fruit, seed and nut intake while reducing your grain, dairy, and sugar intake. Eat pastured meat (animals that graze in a field as they were intended as opposed to grain fed ‘super-farms’). Avoid processed foods and choose to make home cooked meals rather than prepared ones. Stop drinking pop too – that stuff is nasty!Follow these 5 tips and you will be on your way to a leaner, healthier body in the New Year! Do you have any tips I’ve missed? I’d love to hear about them below.
via goodlife fitness
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